In 2013, when it became apparent the Boy Scouts were headed into uncharted waters to accommodate a gender-confused society, leaders from 44 states came together in Nashville to form a Christ-centered alternative to the scouting movement.
As the father of two Eagle Scout sons, it has been painful to watch the demise of a great American institution, one of the few in our country devoted to guiding boys into manhood. After making space for girls and gays within its ranks, Boy Scouts filed for bankruptcy and is currently restructuring their finances. The biggest blow fueling the bankruptcy was the disclosure that over 92,000 former Scouts reported sexual abuse by members of the organization, which opened it up to massive liability.
In response to this trevail, Trail Life USA was born. “Trail Life is a boy focused, Christ-centered, character leadership adventure organization,” Mark Hancock, CEO of Trail Life, told God Reports. “It looks a lot like Boy Scouts in terms of handbooks and uniforms and outdoor adventure and a focus on a male-centric model that changed for Boy Scouts.”