Man born blind healed by Jesus, now serving as a pastor


Siamak* was born blind. His parents tried everything to heal his vision, with no success.

A Discovery Bible Study takes place inside a beautifully-decorated church building in Guaravam District where Pastor Siamak serves. This district is in need of a Prayer Partner. If you’re interested, visit to learn more.

But God had a plan to use Siamak’s situation for His glory.

When Siamak originally heard the gospel, he was quite young. Because his family was devout in their religion, it was no wonder he refused the message at first. But later, by God’s grace, Siamak began believing in Jesus Christ and attending church.

At church, he learned how to pray, and in due course he asked the Lord to heal his sight. In his words, “I committed myself to God’s service.”

Then God answered his prayer of consecration and commitment to service in a most remarkable way.

The man born blind was healed, regaining his sight. “I was healed by the grace of God!” he exulted.

After being healed, he kept to his decision to follow Christ and attended a Bible college where he met the woman he would marry.

Now Pastor Siamak is involved in ministry with his wife and two daughters. He oversees a church in Gauravam* District.

After learning about Operation Saturation’s Discovery Bible Study method of making disciples, Pastor Siamak testifies that his church members are very eager to not only grow personally, but to make disciples themselves: “This has become the pillar of our church and we are growing. I can see the differences in my church now.”

They are also hosting training sessions for the other national missionaries in the OpSat network, which extends the gospel’s reach even further than Pastor Siamak could do himself.

God has been faithful to use Pastor Siamak to expand His Kingdom, just as Siamak agreed to years ago! — Operation Saturation


* name changed for security reasons