Is there any purpose behind the universe?


By Mark Ellis —

Dr. Bo Kirkwood

Is there a purpose behind mankind’s existence, or are human beings a product of random chance and millions of years of evolution?

“For the secular materialist, we are all made of stardust and here by chance and chance alone, with no particular purpose,” Dr. Bo Kirkwood says.

In his latest book, A Purpose Driven God, Dr. Kirkwood explores the way relativity, quantum mechanics, and the exquisite fine tuning of the universe point to the existence of God.

“To date, there hasn’t been any life created by the origin of life experiments,” Dr. Kirkwood told God Reports. “You can’t just pop carbohydrates, proteins, nitrogen and bases in a jar, shake it up and out pops DNA. Nothing like that has ever been accomplished.”

His research suggests the universe to be superbly fine-tuned, particularly for the existence of humankind.

Dr. Kirkwood explains that purpose can be found in various aspects of the universe, including physics, the biological world, the human body, and in mathematics and all the physical constants that constitute the fabric of the universe. In A Purpose Driven God, he presents compelling evidence suggesting that humans have indeed been placed on this earth with a purpose.

“From a scientific point of view, evolution doesn’t make sense. There’s no fossil record evidence of it,” he notes. “Evolution says it takes a lot of time, millions and millions and millions of years for one species to become another species. If that’s the case, then transitional farms ought to be abundant in the fossil record. And they’re simply not, they’re just not there.

“Evolution, adaptation, does a good job of describing how microscopic changes occur within the animal kingdom and plant kingdom. They don’t do a good job at explaining how macroscopic changes occur, and how one species can become a different species.”

The DNA molecule itself, which has been compared to a digital information system, provides strong evidence for intelligent design. “The vast amount of information contained in the DNA molecule within each animal tells me that it couldn’t have occurred by pure random chance,” he says.

“The base pairs in DNA don’t contain the information unless they’re put together in a certain sequence. Who decided what sequence those were going to be to produce proteins, for example?”

The coding, or language of DNA, implies an intellect behind it. “Every time we come across anything that we can describe as information, there’s always an intelligent mind behind it. It doesn’t occur randomly,” Dr. Kirkwood explains.

The Big Bang Theory (or Creation Event) points to a beginning for the universe. Georges Lemaître (1894-1966), a Belgian Catholic priest, astronomer, and professor of physics proposed in 1927 what he called the “hypothesis of the primeval atom” or the “cosmic egg,” which would later become known as the Big Bang Theory. Edwin Hubble, Einstein, and others expanded on the theory.

But atheistic scientists had trouble with the idea that there was a beginning point, because this pointed to One who set it all in motion. “They knew immediately there was a problem. If you have a Big Bang, that means you have a beginning, and the beginning of anything, always implies a cause. Their only argument against this is the multiverse; the multi universe concept was invented, in my opinion, to try to counter the fine tuning of the universe.

“Even if this was true, you would have to explain the fine tuning involved in the machine that keeps popping out all the universes. And those would still go back to the fine tuner. There’s absolutely no way of proving the multiverse theory, so it’s not a scientific theory, it’s more of a philosophy.”

Some scientists are claiming there must be an infinite number of universes. “When physicists and cosmologists start relying on the concept of infinity, they’ve lost their argument,” Dr. Kirkwood says.

“There is design in the universe. The biggest question is, who was it? I tried to answer that in the last couple of chapters. The scientific evidence points to a creator, then you have to determine who best fits the description. Is it Buddha? Is it Confucius? Is it Mohammed? No, it’s Jesus Christ. There’s only one person that was resurrected from the dead in three days, to never die again.

“In my personal belief, it was Jesus Christ. The apostle John says that in the beginning was the Word. And who was the Word? It was Jesus Christ. It’s clear from the first chapter of the Gospel of John, we identify who created the universe, and it was Jesus Christ.”

“What I’m doing in my book is giving an answer for the hope that’s within me. The book uses science to establish that the universe, Earth, and mankind are intertwined, demonstrating exquisite design and purpose. The best explanation is an intelligent designer,” he concludes.


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To find out more about Dr. Kirkwood’s book, click here