Bold Afghan Christians sharing the Gospel with Taliban


By Mark Ellis —

Christians in Afghanistan

In the rural villages of Afghanistan, especially among known Christians, the Taliban are taking young women and girls and giving them away as plunder to their fighters.

“In young families, the husbands are being executed and the women are being taken, raped, etc.,” says Joel Richardson, a teacher and author affiliated with Global Catalytic Ministries.

Some believers are fleeing to the countryside. “They are going to the mountains, the ravines, sleeping out with their sleeping bags and blankets, trying to weather the intensity of this moment, assuming they can eventually go back to their villages.”

Incredibly, many believe the country of Afghanistan has the second-fastest growing church in the world, next to Iran. “Christians are aware of what’s coming. Some are saying they will stand firm. Some are still sharing the Gospel – it’s amazing.”

Richardson has received reports of Afghan Christians who are choosing to stay and share the gospel. “They say, ‘we don’t care, we’re here because we love this nation, we love our people, and we’re going to share the gospel regardless, even if it means losing our lives.’

“In one village that had been taken over a few weeks ago, the Christians started sharing Bible stories with the Taliban and the Taliban in their village have been studying the Bible and praying.

“They are actually studying the Bible with the Taliban! They haven’t made a confession of faith yet, but seem very interested.”

The fearless nature of these believers reminds Richardson of the character of the believers in the Book of Revelation. “They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. They did not love their lives unto death. We are seeing that in real time.

“Our brothers and sisters are demonstrating the character that will be required to navigate the days ahead, as we approach the Last Days. Jesus made it clear, the gates of hell will not prevail against the kingdom of God!”


To learn more about Global Catalytic Ministries, go here


  1. Praise God! This is so encouraging. I am humbled and awed at the faith of those willing to stay and share the gospel. To God be the glory.

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