Friday the 13th Paris attacks launched from the pit of hell


By Mark Ellis

Eagles of Death Metal perform immediately prior to attack
Eagles of Death Metal perform immediately prior to attack

Islamic State claimed credit for the death, destruction, and carnage on Friday the 13th in Paris, yet the real conspiracy was inspired below the radar of modern intelligence gathering capabilities – because it was supernatural in origin.

The 19th century Le Bataclan Theater, where at least 80 were murdered by ISIS militants on Friday, was Jewish-owned for decades, but was sold two months ago, its former owners told The Times of Israel.

Le Bataclan Theater
Le Bataclan Theater

The militant extremists chose Friday the 13th for their attack, which is considered a “high satanic day.” Unknowingly, they opened fire during the seventh song by the Eagles of Death Metal band – “Kiss the Devil” – sung by lead singer, Jesse Hughes, nicknamed “The Devil.”

The Bataclan had been the target of anti-Zionist groups because the Jewish owners often put on pro-Israel events, according to the French magazine Le Point.

The Eagles of Death Metal played in Israel in July at Tel Aviv’s Barby Club.

The anti-Semitic impulse, culminating in a desire to destroy the Jewish people and thwart God’s redemptive plan, is also hatched in hell, and well-chronicled in the pages of the Bible.

French magazine Le Point quoted a member of the extremist group Army of Islam, who told French security services in 2011 that, “We had planned an attack against the Bataclan because its owners are Jews.” The instigators of the recent attack may have been unaware of the sale to new owners.

The front of the Bataclan features uniquely painted Masonic columns, and a “pyramid eye” formed by a small

The group U2 pays respects to victims near Bataclan
The group U2 pays respects to victims near Bataclan

round window near the roofline.

Pascal Laloux, one of the theater’s former owners, said Saturday that the theater was “sold in September after 40 years.”

“We’re devastated because we knew everyone who worked there,” he told Israel’s Channel 2 news.

His brother Joel, the co-owner, told Channel 2 they sold the theater on September 11, and he immigrated to Israel. He said he took a call from the theater at the time of the attack “and I could hear the gunfire.”

“There is blood everywhere,” he said. “It will take three days just to clean that up.”

Jesse "The Devil" Hughes
Jesse “The Devil” Hughes

The Eagles of Death Metal’s biggest album was their second one, “Death By Sexy,” which contained the minor hit, “I Want You So Hard (Boy’s Bad News),” according to The Desert Sun.

“Now ‘Death By Sexy’ and ‘Boys Bad News’ have different connotations,” The Desert Sun noted.

Co-band leader Josh Homme nicknamed Jesse Hughes “the Devil.”

“That could have referenced a lot of things. Jesse admittedly had demons. On his solo album, ‘Honkey Video,’ he addressed that in ‘Speed Demon.’ On ‘Death By Sexy’ he wrote a song called ‘Chase the Devil,’” according to The Desert Sun.


  1. I am shocked and sad for those who were killed and injured in the attack, including the perpetrators of the crime who blew themselves up, believing God would be pleased with their deed! They would probably be in hell with all those who were unsaved who died around them. What a terrible tragedy for all!
    I am also sad for the innocent civilians in Syria (and other places in the world) who are bombed, shot at, murdered and maimed! They are also human beings with feelings and caught up in a war they do not want.
    It would be good to put all the men who want war into a boxing ring and let them slug it out and leave everyone alone!
    While we mourn the loss of life over these tragedies in Paris, let us also remember those innocent civilians in other countries, who are living in terror of their lives even as I type.
    But these Death Metal scaramouches who glorify satan and death with their noise and their big act, no doubt helped to invite demons into that situation.
    (And why one earth was there a young boy present?! His father brought him to it!)
    I feel deep sorrow for those who died and those who lost loved ones.

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