Burkina Faso: 80 churches planted, 1000 baptized


By Living Water International

Overcome with joy
Overcome with joy

Ever wonder how an unreached people group in Africa goes from zero to 80 churches? Consider this timeline featuring the work of our ministry partners before and after they partnered with us.

2002: Three missionary families from West Texas moved to Burkina Faso and settled among the unreached Dagara people.

2004: After spending the first years learning to speak Dagara and French, they are welcomed into three communities to meet under shade trees and share Bible stories.

2005: News of the gatherings spreads. People walk miles to participate in worship, prayer, Scripture reading, and offerings – and ask for similar groups in their villages. New Dagara believers become teachers themselves.

2006: The first church planted solely by a new Dagara believer thrives.

2010: Over 30 churches flourish spiritually, but the Dagara people still suffer physically without safe water. Living Water trains a new missionary family to lead a well rehab outreach.

2013: More than 80 churches are now entirely Dagara run. Outreach opportunities increase as Dagara believers offer clean water in Jesus name through 140 rehabbed wells. Along with our church planting partners we celebrated 1000 baptisms on Easter weekend.